Realization of sensory labs

Needs assessment

Design and visualization

Based on the customer's wishes a concept including technical drawings is created which serves as a basis for discussion. By the help of CAD-drawings the lab virtually comes to live.


The manufacturing begins when the order is placed and is fitted to the requirements of the project. Electric equipment is separately bought according to the specifications.

Delivery and assembly

The delivery and the professional assembly is carried out by our experienced partners. The installation of computer equipment, instructions regarding the software etc. are offered on request individually.

Usual test cabin dimensions

Stationary cabin Mobile cabin
Work surface height 900–1000 mm 750 mm
Work surface depth
(test side)
450 mm -
Work surface depth
(preparation side)
400–500 mm -
Cabin height 2500–3000 mm 1950  mm
Test area width min. 800 mm 1000 mm
Transport size - 1950 × 1000 × 800  mm
Size in operation - 1950 × 1000 × 1250  mm

Further information:

Sensory lab

Further information: